
Riyu (Hwang Ri-yu)

Find out more about Kpop Female Idol Riyu’s Profile, Age, Birthday, Height, Weight, Net worth, Ideal Type, Facts, wiki, and Biography information. On Kpopwall.com, Riyu ranked as the 4249th famous K-pop Star from South Korea.


Riyu Profile and Bio:

Riyu is a famous South Korean singer and member of the K-pop girl group I.G. Her birth name is Hwang Ri-yu and her native name is 황리유

 Full Name: Hwang Ri-yu
 Korean Name: 리유
 Japanese Name: ファン・リユ
 Profession: South Korean singer
 Age: 26
 Date of Birth: 2-Aug-98
 Place of Birth: South Korea
 Country: South Korea
 Star Sign: Leo
 Height: 1.58 m (5′ 2″)
 Weight: N/A
 Nationality: South Korean


Hwang Ri-yu was born on August 2, 1998, in South Korea. The day she was born was Sunday.


Riyu is currently 26 years old.

Birthplace and Residence:

Riyu’s birthplace is South Korea. She currently lives in South Korea.

Height, Weight, and Blood type:

Riyu’s real height is 5 feet 2 inches (158 cm). Her blood group type is “B.”

 Height in Meter: 1.58 m
 Height in Feet and inches: 5 ft 2 in
 Weight in Kg: N/A
 Weight in Pound (lbs): N/A
 Blood Type: B

Zodiac Sign:

Riyu’s sun sign is Leo. Her zodiac sign is most compatible with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and less compatible with Taurus, Scorpio.

 Zodiac Sign: Leo
 Zodiac Element: Assertive
 Zodiac Energy: Fire
 Zodiac Modality: Fixed
 Opposite Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
 Zodiac Sign Gemstone: Onyx  
 Birth Flower: Gladiolus & Poppy
 Chinese Zodiac: Pig

Riyu’s Ideal Type:

Riyu’s ideal type of person is loving, tolerant, honest, and appreciative of luxury.


 Education: School of Performing Arts Seoul
 University: N/A
 High school / School: School of Performing Arts Seoul

Family and Relationship:

Riyu’s relationship information is not known yet.

 Father’s Name: N/A
 Mother’s Name: N/A
 Spouse Name: N/A
 Relationship Status: Single

Net Worth and Salary:

From various websites and interviews, we can get an idea about the income and net worth of Hwang Ri-yu. As of 2025, Riyu’s estimated net worth is below $1 million. She has been able to acquire this amount of net income being as a professional singer.

 Net worth in 2025: below $1 million
 Salary in 2025: N/A
 Source of Wealth: singer
 Estimated Wealth Verification Status: Unverified

Riyu Facts:

— Riyu is also known as “Hwang Ri-yu”.
— According to Riyu’s birth year 1998, she is a person from the Gen Z generation.
— Riyu’s birth flower is Banksia.
— Riyu’s Chinese zodiac sign is Pig and her zodiac personality traits are: Compassionate, generous, and diligent.


Riyu can speak Korean language.


1) Riyu’s band group name is I.G, and the band is still active.
2) Her training period was 2013 – present.
3) The Active year of the group is 2020–present.
4) The band members of the I.G group are:
Sera –
Seungyeon –
Yejeong –
Riyu –
Yusom –
Sua –


* Album information will be updated.


* Award information not found.

Is Riyu Still Alive?

Riyu is still alive.

Social Profile:

Instagram Profile of Riyu

Twitter Profile of Riyu

Youtube Channel of Riyu

Source: Wiki and Interviews (CC BY 3.0)

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