
Kikukawa Rei

Find out the Japanese Actress Kikukawa Rei’s Age, Birthday, Height, Weight, Net worth, Biography, and Wiki information in Kpopwall.com


Kikukawa Rei Profile and Bio:

Kikukawa Rei is an actress from Japan. She was born on February 28, 1978 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Her romaji name is Kikukawa Rei.

Full Name: Kikukawa Rei
Profession: Actress
Age: 47
Date of Birth: 28-Feb-78
Birth Place: Saitama Prefecture, Japan
Country: Japan
Star Sign: Pisces
Height: 5 ft 5 in
Weight: Not known


Kikukawa Rei was born in 1978, on Tuesday the 28th of February.


She is currently 47 years old.

Birthplace and Residence:

Kikukawa’s place of birth is Saitama Prefecture, Japan and she currently lives in Japan.

Height, Weight, and Blood type:

Kikukawa Rei’s actual height is 5 feet 5 inches and her blood group is AB.

Height in Meter: 1.66
Height in Feet and inches: 5′ 5″
Weight in Kg: N/A
Weight in Pound (lbs): N/A
Blood Type: AB

Zodiac Sign:

Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Zodiac Element: Passive
Zodiac Energy: Water
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Zodiac Sign Gemstone: Amethyst  
Birth Flower: Royal Bluebell
Chinese Zodiac: Horse

Kikukawa Rei’s Ideal Type:

Kikukawa Rei’s ideal type of personality is animated, active, energetic.


Education: N/A
University: University of Tokyo (Architecture degree)
High school / School: N/A

Family and Relationship:

Father’s Name: N/A
Mother’s Name: N/A
Spouse Name: N/A
Relationship Status: Unknown

Net Worth and Salary:

From various websites and interviews, we can get an idea about the income and net worth of Kikukawa Rei. As of 2025, Kikukawa Rei’s estimated net worth is 1 Million to 5 Million dollars. She has been able to acquire this net income and property due to being in the actress profession.

Net worth in 2025 $1 Million – $5 Million (approx.)
Salary in 2025 Not Available
Source of Wealth: actress
Estimated Wealth Verification Status: Unverified

Trivia and Facts:

Kikukawa Rei’s star sign is Pisces and her birth flower is Royal Bluebell.
Her talent agency name is Oscar Promotion.
As per her birth year 1978, she belongs to the Gen X generation.


Aoki Okami (2007)
Godzilla Final Wars (2004)
Install (2004)
Double Deception (2001)

TV Series:

No TV series acting information was found.

TV Shows:

Chef (Fuji TV, 2016, ep1)
Ichinen-han Mate (Fuji TV, 2016)
Onsen Okami Futari no Jikenbo (TV Tokyo, 2012-2014)
Kasouken no Onna 11 (TV Asahi, 2011, ep1)
Asuko March! (TV Asahi, 2011)
Akakabu Kenji Kyoto-hen (TBS, 2010)
Dageki Tenshi Ruri (TV Asahi, 2008)
Byouin no Chikara (NHK, 2007)
Ri Kouran (TV Tokyo, 2007)
Aoi Byoten (Fuji TV, 2006)
Izumo no Okuni (NHK, 2006)
Chakushin Ari (TV Asahi, 2005)
Kunitori Monogatari (TV Tokyo, 2005)
Reikan Bus Guide Jikenbo (TV Asahi, 2004)
Shinsengumi (NHK, 2004)
Yumemiru Budo (NHK, 2003)
Aisuru Tame ni Aisaretai (TBS, 2003)
OL Zenido (TV Asahi, 2003)
Keiji Ichiro (TBS, 2003)
Tokyo Niwatsuki Ikkodate (NTV, 2002)
Renai Hensachi (Fuji TV, 2002)
Watashi no Aozora 2002 (NHK, 2002)
Let’s Go Nagata-cho (NTV, 2001)
Maria (TBS, 2001)
Shiroi Kage (TBS, 2001)
Hensyuo (Fuji TV, 2000)
Okuman Choja to Kekkon Suru Hoho (NTV, 2000)
Kiken na Kankei (Fuji TV, 1999)


Award information not found.

Is Kikukawa Rei Still Alive?

She is still alive.

Social Profile:

Wikipedia Profile

Source: Wiki and Interviews (CC BY 3.0)

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