
Luna Yin

Find out the Chinese Singer Luna Yin’s Age, Birthday, Height, Weight, Net worth, Biography, and Wiki information in Kpopwall.com


Luna Yin Profile and Bio:

Luna Yin is a singer from China. Yin was born on July 20, 1993 in China. Luna Yin’s English name is Luna Yin.

Full Name: Luna Yin
Profession: Singer
Age: 31
Date of Birth: 20-Jul-93
Birth Place: China
Country: China
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: Not Known
Weight: Not known


Yin Zi Yue was born in 1993, on Tuesday the 20th of July.


Yin is currently 31 years old.

Birthplace and Residence:

Luna’s place of birth is China and Yin currently lives in China.

Height, Weight, and Blood type:

Weight and height information was not known.

Height in Meter: N/A
Height in Feet and inches: N/A
Weight in Kg: N/A
Weight in Pound (lbs): N/A
Blood Type: Not known

Zodiac Sign:

Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Zodiac Element: Passive
Zodiac Energy: Water
Opposite Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Zodiac Sign Gemstone: Emerald  
Birth Flower: Grevillea
Chinese Zodiac: Rosster

Luna Yin’s Ideal Type:

Luna Yin’s ideal type of personality is ambitious, foresighted, meticulous, independent.


Education: N/A
University: N/A
High school / School: N/A

Family and Relationship:

Father’s Name: N/A
Mother’s Name: N/A
Spouse Name: N/A
Relationship Status: Unknown

Net Worth and Salary:

From various websites and interviews, we can get an idea about the income and net worth of Luna Yin. As of 2024, Luna Yin’s estimated net worth is 1 Million to 2 Million dollars. Yin has been able to acquire this net income and property due to being in the singer profession.

Net worth in 2024 $1 Million – $2 Million (approx.)
Salary in 2024 Not Available
Source of Wealth: singer
Estimated Wealth Verification Status: Unverified

Trivia and Facts:

Luna Yin’s star sign is Cancer and Yin’s birth flower is Grevillea.
As per Yin’s birth year 1993, Yin belongs to the Millenials generation.


No Film appearance found.

TV Series:

No TV series acting information was found.

TV Shows:

Not found.


Award information not found.

Is Luna Yin Still Alive?

Yin is still alive.

Social Profile:

Baidu Profile of Luna Yin

Source: Wiki and Interviews (CC BY 3.0)

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