Do Pistachios Have Aflatoxin (pistachios have aflatoxin)

In many parts of the world, aflatoxins, carcinogenic toxins created by Aspergillus fungi, contaminate maize, peanuts, and tree nuts. Pistachios are the primary source of human dietary aflatoxins from tree nuts around the world. Over 120 countries have established guidelines for the maximum permitted aflatoxin concentrations in food products.

Do pistachio nuts have mold?

Aspergillus species were present in 12.5% of pistachio samples, according to Shahidi (35). Aspergillus spp. with a 94.5% contamination rate was the dominant fungi, according to another study on pistachios fungal contamination in America. A. c.

Do pistachios have mycotoxins?

Hence, pistachios, despite their beneficial effects on human health, also have chemical properties and are a significant source of exposure to mycotoxins, particularly aflatoxins, posing a current public health problem.

How do you prevent aflatoxins in nuts?

To discourage mold growth, store grains, corn, and nuts in dry and cool areas. You can even freeze them to preserve their freshness. Before eating grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds, soak, sprout, and ferment them.

Should I worry about aflatoxin?

Exposure to aflatoxins has a higher risk of liver cancer.

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