What Are Kanza Pecans?

The Kanza pecan is an excellent, easy shelling pecan. The nuts begin maturing around mid-September. This variety is incredibly resistant to pecan scab, as well as many other diseases and insects. This tree provides excellent shade and produces very high yields of golden nuts. 74 nuts per lb. 74 nuts per lb.

The Kanza pecan is an excellent, easy shelling pecan. The nuts begin maturing around mid-September. This variety is incredibly resistant to pecan scab, as well as many other diseases and insects. This tree provides excellent shade and produces very high yields of golden nuts.

Why are some pecans darker than others?

How can we know that our light pecans are of the highest quality? They are a perfect golden color or light brown. Pecans in darker shades tend to be more bitter and sometimes even rancid. Oxidation causes rancidity and darkening of the pecan kernel.

The San Saba Pecans set the standard. San Saba, Texas, is the perfect place to go to buy quality pecans, no matter what shape you want them to be in. Visit San Saba, Texas, and enjoy the best pecan pie ever!

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